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Web Design and Development

Crafting visually stunning and intuitive designs that engage users. Building robust, scalable websites with the latest technologies.

Web Design and Development

6 – 9 Months
One-on-One Training

Course Description

The program will be in three Phases

  •  The program will be in three Phases
  •  Phase 1: HTML, CSS and JavaScript (2-3 months)
  • Phase 2: Tailwind, J Query, Alpinejs, PHP, MSQL (2-3 months)
  • Phase 3: Object oriented PHP, Laravel (2-3 months

 System Requirements

  • 16GB RAM
  • 256 GB SSD
  • Intel core i3

 Dress Code Requirements

  • 2 pairs of black trousers/skirts
  • 2 white shirts
  • 1 blue tie
  • 1 black corporate shoe.
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